Check out Carl Alviani's article about it on Core77, and I'll be putting up my impressions soon.
Check out Carl Alviani's article about it on Core77, and I'll be putting up my impressions soon.
Inspired by Jorge Colombo's cover of the June 1, 2009 issue of The New Yorker, I did a quick sketch in my living room using the Brushes app on my iPhone. Although it's far from cover-worthy, it is fun to play with and a great tool for forcing looseness into your sketching.
Ok, these aren't really coming in order, but I thought I'd post my favorite recent sketch next.
This is a morning sketch of my office after a night on the sofa. Still just getting back into the groove of sketching with a rollerball in a sketchbook. It's been so long.
Sketch is done with a Pilot Precise rollerball in a hand•book 5.5 inch square sketchbook (from Dick Blick)
Ok, so all the cool kids are posting their sketchbook pages these days, so I thought I would too. I've been trying to sketch more regularly to get out of my keyboard and mouse mentality, and although the results have been mixed, I thought I'd start to post them when they go well. Here's the first of several I've done recently and that are awaiting posting.
Done in Moleskine 5 x 8.5 inch sketchbook with Pilot Precise Rollerball.
©2009 Andrew Meehan
I've been a beta-testing Autodesk's Sketchbook Pro for years now (since version 2), so I'm really excited to see the new version (2010) is getting released soon. Sketchbook is a lightweight, fast, digital sketching software that I use every day in my workflow. If you've never tried it, you owe it to yourself to download the free trial here.
There's also a great article outlining some of the new features coming out in the 2010 release on Autodesk's AREA. The ellipse and rulers have changed my life.
This is really a great product that not a lot of artists and designers know about, and that's a shame. So check it out. It's cheap, it's great, and you'll never go back to sketching in Photoshop.