19 April 20091 Comment

Abruzzo nel cuore.

With everything that's been happening in Abruzzo recently, I've been thinking a lot about Teramo. I have lots of friends I made when I lived there that I still keep in touch with through Facebook, and I spoke to my cousins after the earthquake to make sure everyone was ok (they are, even the ones who live in L'Aquila). All of the Italian community in Philly has been asking what they can do to help, and I haven't had an answer.

I still don't, but I saw today that Abruzzese Formula 1 driver Jarno Trulli has started a charity, supported by the F1 community, to help out the quake victims, called Abruzzo Nel Cuore (Abruzzo in our hearts). It's written on the side of Ferrari's cars for the race in China today and there's a website abruzzonelcuore.org where you can donate directly to his charity. Pretty cool way to help out. And it made me think.

Abruzzo is in my heart, all the time. My year there shaped who I am today, molded my personality, and taught me about art, so I thought I'd do a little sketch of Teramo to show that we're all thinking about them and we're here to help however we can. I encourage other artists who have been inspired by the region to do the same thing and hopefully we can keep Abruzzo in our hearts, and in the public awareness, until the people of L'Aquila and the other towns affected by the quake have gotten back on their feet.


8 April 2009No Comments

More sketching…

Ok, these aren't really coming in order, but I thought I'd post my favorite recent sketch next.

This is a morning sketch of my office after a night on the sofa. Still just getting back into the groove of sketching with a rollerball in a sketchbook. It's been so long.

Sketch is done with a Pilot Precise rollerball in a hand•book 5.5 inch square sketchbook (from Dick Blick)


6 April 20091 Comment

Jumping out of my ‘skine

Ok, so all the cool kids are posting their sketchbook pages these days, so I thought I would too. I've been trying to sketch more regularly to get out of my keyboard and mouse mentality, and although the results have been mixed, I thought I'd start to post them when they go well. Here's the first of several I've done recently and that are awaiting posting.

Done in Moleskine 5 x 8.5 inch sketchbook with Pilot Precise Rollerball.

the mantle in our living room.

20 March 20091 Comment

Things get ugly at Car magazine

Car magazine has long been one of my most cherished and revered sources of car news, photographic inspiration and cutting-edge design. Published in the UK, I have been spending my hard-earned cash on the import-priced glossy loveliness for almost 20 years now. Not anymore. Car has gone and done the unthinkable—they've dumbed down the design to blend in, rather than stand out, from the crowd.

Just a few years removed from one of the most stunning and gorgeous magazine redesigns I've ever seen, they've basically reverted to clichéd tacky Euro auto-weekly style. Busy covers, red box around the logo, smaller size, cheaper paper and nasty typography have replaced the lusciously high-end look of the past two years, bringing a tear to my eye. They've even gone and done the same thing to their website, one of the most intricately laid out sites around.
Is it the new depression's fault? Maybe. But the price hasn't gone down with the quality, so I somehow think that if this is a cost-cutting measure it's well on the road to massively backfiring. Will readers forgive and forget? Maybe, but longtime lovers and subscribers like me probably won't, and the last thing a high-end monthly publication needs now is losing subscribers. When you start stating that you the "World's best car magazine" right in the header, it's a sure sign that you're not anymore.

Tim Pollard, the editor of the magazine, has been campaigning hard for the new look, saying that it's simply "in response to reader feedback." Judging by the hundreds of negative comments on the website I'd say they may have asked the wrong readers, and it seems they'll be losing some lifers with the change. Maybe he's ok with that, or maybe it was forced on him by the mag's new owners, but either way, it's a sad day when a design beacon sells its soul for sales. A sign of the times I suppose, but I won't be renewing my subscription.

Bring back the design edge Mr. Pollard, and I'll gladly drop the £65 to re-up my subscription and put Car back on my coffee table where it belongs.

Gorgeous previous redesign of Car

Gorgeous previous redesign of Car

Newly redesigned Car magazine

Newly redesigned Car magazine

24 February 2009No Comments

Sketchbook Pro 2010 announced

©2009 Andrew Meehan

©2009 Andrew Meehan

I've been a beta-testing Autodesk's Sketchbook Pro for years now (since version 2), so I'm really excited to see the new version (2010) is getting released soon. Sketchbook is a lightweight, fast, digital sketching software that I use every day in my workflow. If you've never tried it, you owe it to yourself to download the free trial here.

There's also a great article outlining some of the new features coming out in the 2010 release on Autodesk's AREA. The ellipse and rulers have changed my life.

This is really a great product that not a lot of artists and designers know about, and that's a shame. So check it out. It's cheap, it's great, and you'll never go back to sketching in Photoshop.

24 February 2009No Comments

Porsche 356 illustration

©2009 Andrew Meehan

©2009 Andrew Meehan

I recently created this vector illustration of a Porsche 356 split-windscreen "pre-A" for Klasse 356, a parts supplier for owners of these lovely cars.

20 June 2008No Comments

The democratization of car buying?

I've always said that you can tell a lot about a person by the car they drive. Whether you like it or not, even the blandest car makes a statement about who you are and how you live. Very rarely would you be surprised by a slick salesman in a Honda Civic or a hippy in a BMW M3. But these days, gas prices seem to have changed that, forcing rednecks into Geo Metros and Soccer Moms out of their SUV high-horses and into more practical station wagons (gasp!) and reasonable sedans. But is this a permanent change, or a temporary reaction?

I'm not sure, but it occurred to me this morning that Europe has always been a more democratic car buying environment. Small streets, a near total lack of parking, insane taxes on vehicles, lack of credit, and, of course, high fuel prices have meant that for decades Europeans drove what as practical above what was cool. Only showoffs drove BMWs and SUVs. Only rich people drove Porsches. Everybody else, well, they drove what was cheap and local. The French have been buying Peugeot and Renault hatches, the Germans their Golfs and Opels, and the Italians their crappier than thou FIATs for generations. I've seen businessmen in Pandas and well-to-do families piling out of a Renault Scenic and never batted an eye. In the US, it's so rare, that pulling up to a family picnic can be a nerve-racking experience if you feel like you're "under-driving" (what will Aunt Jane think of me driving an old Saab? Will Uncle Mark think I've lost my job when he sees the '99 Passat wagon?).

But now it's all changed. I think that these gas prices are likely to stay over $4/gallon, so SUVs will slowly go away in favor of smaller cars permanently. The credit crunch will likely pass though, so as upmarket fuel-efficient cars start filtering in to our protectionist little country (I'm looking at you BMW, where's my efficient dynamics, huh?), will the level playing field tilt again to towards the wealthy? Will my neighbors put away the Civics in favor of Explorers? Is this just another malaise era that creates a generation of little fuel-efficient cars only to be completely forgotten when things get better again?

One way or another, it's going to be interesting. I can't instantly judge people by the car they drive anymore. That's no fun, but probably not a bad thing. I'll be keeping an eye out though. Will the market change to fit the cars, or will the cars change to fit the market? Only the automakers can decide that.

27 July 2006Comments are off for this post.

Why Cadillac just doesn’t get it.

Ok, so it's more marketing than design, but I think someone needs to put it out there - the reason GM is hemoraging money is that they simply don't understand the market, and in my mind, it all starts with Cadillac.

In the past few years Cadillac has been on a push to compete with European and Japanese luxury car makers such as BMW and Lexus by putting out cars that are big, blocky, heavy and unsophisticated. I know, I know, they're only unsophisticated in relation to those cars, being relatively modern and technological machines in their own right. But starting with the names - BTS, CTS, VTX, VHS, whatever they are, they're trying to be something they're not. What Cadillac really needs is a return to some old-style names, in the style of DeVille, Seville, Fleetwood, Eldorado (and maybe a few new ones to update the whole deal). People around the world have a soft spot for these names, especially a name like Eldorado, and the car that was associated with it – big, beautiful and brash. But not "don't mess with Texas" brashness, more like "Marilyn Monroe". In your face, definitely, but so over-the-top stunning that you can't resist it, even against your better judgement, which, let's face it, is the only way a BMW owner is going to buy a Caddy.

I heard that they were going to stop using Led Zepplin in their commercials. Well, that's a start. If you think a Lexus driver is going to jump ship because your luxury car is more "Rock & Roll", you seriously don't understand why someone buys a Lexus - performance, quality and understated luxury. That person is not going to go out and buy a car that's twice the size of their Lexus, looks like a tank that just drove through a chrome gate and has the interior quality of a Police cruiser.

Cadillac, get with the program. We all loved you as the eccentric, over-the-top Hollywood star of luxury carmakers, but you're just embarassing yourself right now.
