With everything that's been happening in Abruzzo recently, I've been thinking a lot about Teramo. I have lots of friends I made when I lived there that I still keep in touch with through Facebook, and I spoke to my cousins after the earthquake to make sure everyone was ok (they are, even the ones who live in L'Aquila). All of the Italian community in Philly has been asking what they can do to help, and I haven't had an answer.
I still don't, but I saw today that Abruzzese Formula 1 driver Jarno Trulli has started a charity, supported by the F1 community, to help out the quake victims, called Abruzzo Nel Cuore (Abruzzo in our hearts). It's written on the side of Ferrari's cars for the race in China today and there's a website abruzzonelcuore.org where you can donate directly to his charity. Pretty cool way to help out. And it made me think.
Abruzzo is in my heart, all the time. My year there shaped who I am today, molded my personality, and taught me about art, so I thought I'd do a little sketch of Teramo to show that we're all thinking about them and we're here to help however we can. I encourage other artists who have been inspired by the region to do the same thing and hopefully we can keep Abruzzo in our hearts, and in the public awareness, until the people of L'Aquila and the other towns affected by the quake have gotten back on their feet.